Property Loan

Mortgage, Property Insurance, Property Loan

How Blockchain-Based Property Titles Could Simplify and Secure Mortgage Transactions

The transactions in real estate are generally historic, complex, and complicated, involving plenty of paperwork pages and numerous middlemen and ample room for potential fraud. All this is likely to be changed by the new blockchain technology in the future with concepts like blockchain-based property titles allowing simplified, more secure mortgage transactions that make the […]

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Home Insurance, Home Loan, Mortgage, Property Insurance, Property Loan

How 3D-Printed Home Technology Might Influence Mortgage Financing and Property Valuation

Innovation is increasingly being accepted in construction, and 3D printing is now gaining momentum to become one of the game-changing technologies in home building. In that regard, the method apparently brings construction savings while reducing timelines on construction and increases flexibility in designing such homes. However, implications of 3D-printed homes go beyond the construction process

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