I Lived in a Haunted House for a Month—Here’s What Happened!

Scientific explanations sounded just fine and proper, but somehow I couldn’t shake that feeling there was more to it. I longed to believe the logical explanation was the right one, yet somehow some of the things happening wouldn’t fit within the syndrome of dodgy wiring or environmental faults. The figure at the foot of my bed wasn’t something I could hallucinate or attribute to some trick of the light. It was real, too real to dismiss.

Many who have had similar experiences describe “intelligent hauntings” —spirits or entities that are cognizant of the living and communicate with them. Given that the activities in the house appeared to accumulate over time, then dissipated after my direct communication with the entity, I couldn’t help but speculate whether this was, in any way, a more individualistic experience for me personally. Had I, while inadvertently attempting to communicate, connected with a spirit who wanted to be communicated to?

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