I Lived in a Haunted House for a Month—Here’s What Happened!

Firstly, the house was always cold. No matter what setting I left on the thermostat, some rooms-including the upstairs hallway and one of the guest bedrooms-still were icy, as if locked in perpetual winter. There were small disturbances at night. But the noisiest elements: the creaking of footsteps whenever I walked alone in the hallway, the gentle swing, open, and shut of the swinging doors, and that rather unmistakable tapping on the walls.

Initially, I shrugged it off as house settling or maybe a worn heating system. Still, the cold spots really got my attention. They would just show up-out of nowhere. One moment, I was walking through a totally normal room, and the next moment, I was shivering; my breath misting the air.

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